Ise-Shima G-7 summit in 2016


What’s Ise-Shima?

Mie is divided in five areas (Iga, the north part, the middle group, Higashikishu, the south part), and the south part is Ise-Shima. Ise-shima has many traditional culture and nice view.

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Ise-shima is one of the most popular city in Japan for sightseeing. The tourist who visited Ise-Shima transitions in 4,000,000-5,000,000 people until the times of the rapid economic growth began, but exceeded 12 million in 1973 that there was Shikinensengu (periodical rebuilding of a shrine carried out every predetermined number of years)  and after that maintain 13,000,000-14,000,000.

By the holdings of the JAPAN EXPO in Ise and the opening of the Shima Spain Village, it’s recorded record-high 19,540,000 tourists. But the decrease of the tourist continued after this and declines to 10,170,000 in 2004.

The reason why this decrease is pointed out of collapse of the bubble economy and mannerism of the tourist facility. When Okihiki which was an allied event of Shikinensengu from 2006 began, it exceeded the 11 million mark after an interval of eight years, and the number of the tourist has improved. Ise is the temple city called Oise-san of the Ise-Jingu. There is Okage-yokocho or many stores which sell the special product “akafukumochi”. You can enjoy the view of traditional townscape. Shima is the village of pearl with a rias coastline. It’s also famous for much seafood like Japanese spiny lobster, abalone or oyster. You can be experience of Amagoya, which is the place to rest for woman divers. In 1946 Ise-Shima National Park was identified as the first national park after the war. Ise-Shima is the birthplace of the Japanese pearl culture.


G7-summit will be held in Ise-Shima at 2016


The 42nd G7 summit will be held in Ise-Shima, Mie Prefecture, Japan, in 2016.

7 contries will attend this summit, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, United Kingdom, United States, European Union, and Japan. The agenda for the 42nd G7 summit hasn’t decided yet, and will be announced in early 2016.

This is the 6th time of held in Japan, Tokyo in 1979, 1986, 1993, Kyusyu-Okinawa in 2000, and Hokkaido in 2008.


Ise-Shima is famous for pearl culture


In ise, Japanese beautiful pearl is cultivated for many years, it’s called Akoya pearl. Pearl culture is done at Agowan in Mie prefecture. Agowan has the deep water, calm wave, and warm temperature all years. Its surroundings are the best for pearl culture.

A pearl oyster raising pearl itself is necessary for the culture of pearls. It must be brought them up from a shellfish becoming the pearl oyster. It takes several years to grow up a spat into a pearl oyster. After that by putting the pearl nucleas into it, at last the pearl culture begins.

Pearl grower must be to pay attention for pearl culture because much natural environment interest pearl culture. In addition, they sterilize it using ozone or micro bubble not to make garbage attaching to a shell. Furthermore the pearl oyster is needed to move another place which the water temperature is the best for it.

Thus the pearl grower grows pearls up with various consideration, state of sea, and natural environment.

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In this way, pearl grower makes many pearl very kindly, and many beautiful Japanese akoya pearl is born. Pearls which is grown up in Ise will be pearl products such as necklaces, earrings, pendants, and brooch. Akoya pearl has white-pink color, so it’s very good for Japanese skin.

Japanese technique of culture pearls is very high. Japanese Akoya pearl is rated very high from the world. Pearl Seiwa has akoya pearl necklaces and earrings.

>go to Pearl Seiwa online: Rakuten Grobal


>Akoya pearl necklaces and earrings 8-8.5mm


Things to do in Ise-Shima

Ise-Shima has many spots for sightseeing. You can feel Japanese traditional atmosphere or an old town scenery.


Okage yokotyo


Shima Spain Village


Shima Marine Land


Kashikojima Cruise


Ise Jingu


Dolphin Island


Shima Knako Hotel Classic




Oumu iwa


Toshi jima


Amakoya Taiken



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